7 July 2021

MLI-CE Experience: Design Diamond

On Wednesday 9 June we organised an online MLI-CE Experience where Dr. Piet Murre spoke about the Design Diamond. Several colleagues from abroad were virtually connected and participated in the discussion about the topic: teaching from a Christian perspective. 

Summary Lecture ‘Design Diamond  

Christian education (CE) can be conceptualised in various ways, as highlighted by e.g. Van Dyk (2000). While all of these contribute to an understanding of what it means to talk about Christian Education in a meaningful way it is paramount that on the level of the entire school day and the ordinary lessons taught we embody Christian practices. This includes content and pedagogy, and should link what teachers actually do with a Christian understanding of what the world and life is all about. In order to facilitate designing and teaching lessons from a Christian perspective, a Design Diamond was developed, which comprises seven design principles. The principles cannot be isolated and each of these contributes to a holistic approach. During the webinar this was illustrated by the design process of a lesson that, apparently, was meant to teach ‘just skills’ and prepare students for an exam. 

Master’s programme: Learning and Innovation, track: Christian Education

The lecture gave an insight into the content of our programme. Are you looking forward to deepen your knowledge and skills in Christian Education? Maybe our international master’s programme is the perfect fit for you or one of your colleagues. 

The Master’s programme fully focuses on the backgrounds and practices of Christian Education, inspired and informed by the Christian faith. 

The programme will start in September 2022. Registration will be open from October 1 (2021). 

Read more about the master's programme